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Flat Fee MLS Preferred Clients

Image by NordWood Themes

This article is to help you understand if we are a good match for you as your Flat Fee MLS Listing service.


Different Sellers value different factors when they look for a discount Listing Agent.


Below are our Most Satisfied types of clients.

1. Investors

A big percentage of our clientele are Investors.


This is due to how Investors tend to know more than the typical Buyer’s Agent.


Our company is run by a Broker who happens to be an Investor himself.


Investing is all about doing the right thing for the right price, we aim to get you there and on to your next deal.

2. Lean Cost Sellers

Sellers who want to keep as much proceeds as possible upon the sale of their home.


This is imperative for a closing in which a Seller can truly win.


There are plenty of transaction costs out there, we aim to minimize as many of them as possible.


We can also advise you on a good Title Company who can lower those Title costs as well.

3. Sellers Who Appreciate Digital Attention

We may not be close enough to you to see you face-to-face, but we do pay attention to you and your Flat Fee Listing through emails, calls and texts.


We work from 9 AM to 8 PM Monday through Friday’s and from 9 AM to 6 PM on Saturday’s.


Ask us your questions and send your concerns.


Also feel free to edit your Flat Fee Listing at any moment.


We are here for you, providing you advice to get you to Save & Close.


Anyone that wants to save while closing and can understand that it can reasonably be done is our preferred client.


Those who want to pay zero dollars to effectively sell a home are not helping anyone, including themselves.


Do you feel that Flat Fee Save is a reasonable deal for you?

We hope this article brought value in your research about for a Flat Fee Listing Agency. If you have any further questions or concerns about your Flat Fee Listing, please call or text the Listing Broker at (786) 422-1202



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